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Mario Party

Page history last edited by Jane McManus 2 years, 4 months ago

Libraries are more than books. Some kids need a little direction to get the creative juices flowing. I gleaned the following from PUBYAC contributors. If you’re a member, check out the archives. Please add YOUR comments. Your colleagues would appreciate hearing what works, and what didn't!


Mario Theme



 Super Mario Brothers Birthday Party

Programming Librarian Interest FB Group,May 19, 2022, Sevier County Public Library System (large-scale track)





  • Stars

  • Mushrooms

  • Racing Karts

  • Racing-theme tablecloths, and primary colors to do the rest of the decorating - red plates, green napkins and green striped straws.

  • PC pipes and brick wrapped boxes



  • I know food crafts can be a problem these days with so many dairy, nut and wheat allergies. But if you do food crafts, here are a couple ideas:
    • Piranha Plant cupcakes or cake lollipops

    • Chocolate covered doughnuts to look like racing wheels

    • vegie tray arranged like a fire-flower--broccoli as leaves

    • Ice Power Popcorn

    • Fire Power Cheese Doodles

    • Mario Mushroom Pops- marshmallows partially dipped in candy melts, on a stick

    • Power-Up Water

    • Princess Peach Punch

    • sugar cookies decorated as mushrooms, stars, clouds,  or Goombas

    • Yoshi eggs--chocolate or otherwise

    • Mario's chocolate lollipop mustaches

    • Toad's Tostitos

    • gold chocolate coins

  • see also: Recipes for Storytime



  • bookmarks

  • mustache whistles (to represent Mario and Luigi)

  • chocolate golden coins or stars

  • mushroom erasers

  • a race car (for the Mario Kart reference)

  • banana candy with a printable of Donkey Kong placed on the top

  • check Pinterest for other Mario crafts



Depending on the ages of the kids, you may want to dispense with these and just play one of the video games.

  • PIN—the mustache on Mario or Luigi
  • TOSS—green & red turtle shells, fireballs--Mario specific, check Google Images
  • RELAY—obstacle course--jumping and dodging



  • Read a story/poem

  • Crafts--check Pinterest (break up the group, so that some are making crafts while others are playing the game)

  • Play a few Wii games



  • Get teen or adult help to “serve”   



  • Most supplies can be purchased in bargain bins at craft stores or Dollar Stores.  



  • About an hour-and-a-half should be sufficient. (Dependent on the number of children passing through; and how many stations are offered.)


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