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Sidewalk Obstacle Course

Page history last edited by Jane McManus 3 years, 1 month ago

Libraries are more than books. Some kids need a little direction to get the creative juices flowing. I gleaned the following from PUBYAC contributors. If you’re a member, check out the archives. Please add YOUR comments. Your colleagues would appreciate hearing what works, and what didn't!

See also: Sidewalk Obstacle Course; Sidewalk Obstacle Course Ideas



* Draw it out on graph paper first.


* Ask for volunteers to help manage the course.


* If you're using regular chalk, keep it simple. Hop, skip, spin, balance on the line, zig zag, do ten jumping jacks, make a (roar, growl, meow, some kind of animal) sound and some type of hopscotch are things. Make the stuff they are actually gonna walk on pretty simple designs so they could be touched up easily if need be, I like to put a "dance party for 10 seconds!" At the end of mine.

--Sharon Nicole Carr, Wayne Public Library (NE)- (Imagine Summer Reading 2021 FB Page)



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