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Charlotte's Web

Page history last edited by Jane McManus 6 years, 10 months ago

Libraries are more than books. Some kids need a little direction to get the creative juices flowing. I gleaned the following from a PUBYAC contributor. If you're a member, check out the archives for 11-7-2006. Please add YOUR comments. Your colleagues would appreciate hearing what works, and what didn't!

(see also: http://www.abcteach.com/directory/theme_units/literature/charlottes_web/)


Charlotte's Web, by E. B. White

b. July 11, 1899

d. October 1, 1985



  • Be sure to register your guests, @25 is the top limit, unless you have lots of help
  • Suggested for ages 9 -12 years



  • Dress in overalls, bandanas, etc. to give it a country feel.



  • Spider Treats
  • Peppermint Pig Cookies
  • Pigs in a Blanket
  • Popcorn



  • Farm
  • Country Fair Signage--breaking down the activities into stations--only 4 or 5 are suggested.



  • Spider crafts
  • Pig crafts
  • Farm crafts
  • Parachuting Spiders--coffee filters tied to pipe-cleaner spider or spider rings.
  • Decorate "blue ribbons" for Wilbur--card-stock, crepe paper, sequins, and markers



  • Avery Egg Toss or Egg Carry--use plastic or styrofoam eggs.
  • Templeton's Trash Trough--use laminated junk food images with paperclips & magnets on dowels for fishing poles.
  • Goosie Golf--miniature golf, ONLY if you have the room.
  • Feed Wilbur--bean bag toss into an open mouth.
  • Spider Fling--Toss pipe-cleaner spiders and see if they "catch" on web.



  • Pig calling--Sooo-eee
  • Pig snorting
  • Read a chapter of the book, or the Picture Book
  • Have plenty of word searches and coloring sheets on hand as the children work their way through the stations
  • Call everyone together for refreshments. (You can plan on making the Spider Snack as a craft, if you have enough room.)
  • End with a Friendship Web: Wind a skein of yarn into a ball. Ask children to sit on the floor in a circle. Give the ball of yarn to one child and ask her to wind the yarn around one finger and the toss or roll the ball to someone across from her. Continue tossing the ball until every child has part of the web wound around her finger. Ask everyone to hold the web steady while you pluck the yarn. Notice how your action ripples throughout the web. Brainstorm for ideas: 1. Spider feels the vibration and know lunch has arrived. 2. We are all part of a great web--our actions can have an effect on others. 3. Weaving a web is a challenge.



  • An hour-and-a-half is sufficient.


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