News from Your Consultant
Welcome to the Children's Services Wiki

This Wiki Belongs to YOU!
Please use the ideas and information you find here, and add your own for others to benefit from. The purpose of this wiki is to provide a forum for MCLS, (Monroe County Library System, Rochester, NY), children's services staff to exchange information and ideas on all aspects of children's services and librarianship. We've all created programs, booklists, storytimes, and more that we should be proud of. We've also developed contacts, resources and tips that can be shared. Wikis provide an opportunity to collaborate and share with your colleagues, and you can also use this wiki as an opportunity to become more familiar with using and editing a wiki
Please, when contributing to this Wiki:
- Pay close attention to and try to maintain the organizational arrangement of this Wiki when adding content
- Only add resources that are finished and ready to use
- Be sure to include a description of the information you are adding and to place it in the proper Wiki page
- Remember, all material added to this site indicates that you are allowing others to download, print, distribute, and even modify your work. If you have any restrictions or further comments to make, please include them in your descriptions with each individual entry. If you want you or your library to be recognized for your work, remember to include your (or your library's) name on those entries.
Click here for guidelines and instructions on using this wiki.
PUBYAC (PUBlic libraries, Young Adults and Children) is an Internet discussion list.
A lot of the material on our wiki was gleaned from this resource.
1. Apps and Websites
2. Booklists
3. Collection Development
4. Community Outreach
5. Consultant News & Info
6. Continuing Education
7. Directory - MCLS Children's Librarians
8. Early Childhood Literacy
9. Interior Design and Decor
10 Meetings: MCLS / RPL
11. Other Library Resources
12. Programs
13. Reader's Advisory
14. School Visits
15. Sensitive subjects
16. Social Media
17. Special Populations
18. Storytimes
19. Summer Reading
20. Toy Library
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