MCLS 1-13-2010

MCLS Children’s Meeting

January 13, 2010



Present: Jane McManus- Winton, Kathy Wolf- Central, Marcia Thor- Maplewood, Jennifer Caccavale-Penfield, Kathleen Phillips- Brockport, Judy Carpenter-Penfield, Ruth Otto-East Irondequoit, Barbara Billingsley- Central, Shana Zielenski-Wheatley, Miranda Hazen- Central, Adrienne Furness-Webster and Cathy Henderson- Greece.


Barbara had books for us to look at and take, most were older titles so you may have some in your collection.


Kathleen: On-line SRP registration. Brockport used this system for the past two years and it was helpful in keeping records and statistics. You can set up a J, YA and Adult section for all your summer reading groups. This eliminates slips, you create a user name and password and log on at home or in the library. The system can help with random prize drawings. Kathleen used a computer at her library just for this purpose and had some teen volunteers to help get people started. Her numbers were not much different except she had a higher completion rate. She did a survey and had positive comments from the public. Cathy is on the NYS SRP committee and will pass along concerns about training and how the system will work. Folks want to know how it will work with the SRP game they run at their library. Kathleen will also see if we can get the link up on their webpage so we can look at it. Adrienne found webinars on the e*vanced website: ( Discussion followed about does it fit in with what we do for SRP, which is bringing people to the library vs. the virtual/remote library.  A question arose: do we have to use the system? Also we want to be a better part of the planning process.


Kathy Wolf had information about Didgeridoo Down Under, she will forward the email. Let her know ASAP if you want to participate. Prices for 7/12 are 1 library $450, 2-$425, 3-$400 and 4-$375.


The Sunshine Club is accepting dues for the year. Please see Anne or Cathy. Dues are $5.00.


Adrienne is a member of the ALA  Batchelder Award committee. This award is a citation awarded to an American publisher for a children's book considered to be the most outstanding of those books originally published in a foreign language in a foreign country, and subsequently translated into English and published in the United States.  


Cathy Henderson 1/13/10