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Saved by Jane McManus
on April 22, 2012 at 2:53:10 pm

see also: http://www.dltk-kids.com/animals/mmoose.html


Mr. Moose is very tall,

His antlers touch the sky.

They make a real good resting place,

For birdies passing by.


I'm a big, brown moose with antlers tall.

Listen to my stomp, and listen to my call.

When I see trees I think, "Yum-yum!"

Get lunch ready 'cause here I come!


5 Sleepy Moose laying on a hill--

The 1st one said, "I like laying still."

The 2nd one said, "I'm about to yawn."

The 3rd one said, "Please don't wake me until dawn."

The 4th one said, "My eyes are starting to close."

The 5th one said, "It's time for a doze."

So they pulled up their covers and all said, "Goodnight!"

Then 5 sleepy moose were out like a light.


Da Moose  (Susan Salidor)


Extras: antlers



Imogene's Antlers, David Small, c. 1985

Moose In the Garden, Nancy White Carlstrom, c.1990

If You Give a Moose a Muffin, Laura Numeroff, c. 1991

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