
Parties and Celebrations

Page history last edited by Jane McManus 6 years, 8 months ago

Be careful to use age appropriate items.

Food and small objects present choking hazards for children under 3.

Be mindful of food and latex allergies.

If dealing with a large group, break the children down into smaller groups to make the round of activities. (Winton usually uses Apples, Bananas, Cherries and Oranges. Then, when I want everyone together I call "fruit basket mix-up.")

IDEAS FOR CELEBRATIONS: (Please add YOUR successful events!!!)


PIN: tail-on-donkey; batteries-on-robot; flowers-on-hat; feathers-on-parrot/turkey; nose-on-pumpkin/snowman/reindeer; ornament-on-tree


TOSS:  clothespins in bottle; plastic food in picnic basket; bears in basket; bean bags/shoulder pads on colors; ball toss; frisbee throw; sponge toss; cotton toss; bugs for aliens; spiders in pumpkin; ring toss; knock stuffed animals off their pedestals; penny pitch; velcro dart board


FLOOR:  fishing poles; horse shoes; bowling; sponge bowling; walk the plank/tightrope; twister; relay games (hop, skip jump); hopscotch; jump rope; three-legged race; pillow-case hop


HUNT:  hide the thimble; pennies in sand; toys in foam-peanut tub; eggs around the room


CHANCE:  BINGO; hot-potato; cup-catch; crystal ball


SKILL:  Lego/cookie stacking; cup stacking; obstacle course; egg/balloon toss; paper airplane race; pinata; spin the wheel; throw the dice; miniature golf; croquet; frog jumpers


OTHER ACTIVITIES: easy crafts; paint pen; haunted house; magician; puppet show; storytime; cookie decorating; planting seeds; library buttons; temporary tattoos; face-painting


HAND-OUTS:  bookmarks; stickers; feathers; shells; painted stones; jewels; paper airplanes; ribbons; bubble solution; marbles; cookie cutters; bean bags; bells; food; whistles; shoe laces; scrunchies; barrettes; posters; coloring books; crayons; plastic rings; writing pads; balls; jacks; magnets; stars; change purses; plastic animals; stencils; modeling clay; finger puppets; fortune cookies; small cars; puzzles; plastic sunglasses; picture frames


FOOD:  popcorn; cotton candy; soda; lemonade; ice cream; popsicles; pizza; cookies; brownies; cupcakes; muffins; bagels; fruit kebobs; trail mix; animal crackers; penny candy; lollipops; gold fish crackers; jello; pudding; pretzels; Sticks & Stones (pretzels with M&M's)

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