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Librarians use a combination of resources to make storytimes fun and educational. Please add to the topics and individual themes, especially the book titles and "extras." Share your success stories. Are there interesting sites YOU may have come across that you would like to share with others? We want to develop curiosity, independence, creativity and kindness--learning should be fun.
All songs, fingerplays, and ideas are used for educational purposes only and not for profit. Where possible, authors are noted.
Because of the age of this wiki, some links have been broken. Please contact an administrator, if you find broken links and we will either reconnect or remove material. Many thanks. Jane McManus, 08/2024. If additions or changes are not made to this wiki for a time, the space will be reclaimed by PBwiki, and all this hard work will be lost. I encourage you to contribute. Although retired, I'll still be tweaking and following as long as I can. Many thanks, all, for your contributions and help along the way.
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Comments (1)
Jane McManus said
at 7:50 am on Aug 20, 2024
Because of the age of this wiki, some links have been broken. Please contact an administrator, if you find broken links and we will either reconnect or remove material. Many thanks. Jane McManus, 08/2024. If additions or changes are not made to this wiki for a time, the space will be reclaimed by PBwiki, and all this hard work will be lost. I encourage you to contribute. Although retired, I'll still be tweaking and following as long as I can. Many thanks, all, for your contributions and help along the way.
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