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Saved by Jane McManus
on March 2, 2010 at 8:42:01 pm
Libraries are more than books. Some kids need a little direction to get the creative juices flowing. I gleaned the following from PUBYAC contributors. If you're a member, check out the archives for 12-29-2008; 12-23-2008; 12-13-2008; 7-8-2008 and 9-8-2007. These tea parties can be geared for an American Girl Doll Party, a Fancy Nancy Party or just an old fashioned get-together. Please add YOUR comments. Your colleagues would appreciate hearing what works, and what didn't!
(see also: American Girl--http://printables4kids.com/american-girl-printable-activities/
Fancy Nancy--http://printables4kids.com/fancy-nancy-printables/)
- Suggest that the attendees would like to bring their favorite doll, or bear.
- Invite the Moms, too, (you can always use the extra hands)
- It is recommended to have a signup sheet and some age guidelines--for the kids, not the Moms.
- Try to set the stage with your most elegant dress
- Let your guests know that they may want to attend “dressed in their best” OR that you will have a box of dress up props for girls who wanted to but didn’t think of it
- Dollar Stores are a great source for boas, hats, bags, gloves and scarves
- Have a fashion show for the girls or for the dolls. (Have the children write up a description of their doll's attire; have somebody else read the description as the doll is walked down the red carpet--a table with a red tablecloth.)
- Serve non-caffeine type beverages in tea cups, if possible, (apple juice, lemonade, tea, punch, pop)
- Finger foods—tea sandwiches, apple slices, pretzels, (stay away from chocolate with the dolls)
- Oreo’s, Salerno butter cookies, and Teddy Grahams come in miniature sizes that are great for dolls, (and the girls can have the regular size)
- Use small cookie cutters to cut brownies into heart shapes
- Bake mini muffins, scones, gingerbread men
- Have displays for the girls to view—dolls, doll clothes, hats, teapots
- Use real table cloths if you can, it adds elegance
- Centerpieces--silk flowers, doilies especially on serving pieces
- Pastel colored netting, as swags, bunting
- Clear plastic plates are far better than foam or paper, if you have disposable. Have the guests decorate the dishes with flower stickers
- Have music playing in the background
- Fans
- Placemats (color your own)
- Journals, scrapbooks
- Crowns out of cardboard cut-outs, decorate with jewels, or fun-foam
- Decorate a headband, a teacup, tin-can pencil holder
- Contact AG for Raffle Prizes--posters, trading cards, bookmarks, stickers and pins
- Make a rag, or wooden spoon-doll
- Beaded jewelry for guest and/or doll
- Butterfly Mask. (Fancy Nancy)
- Similar to those you would play at a shower
- American Girl Quiz, or a manners trivia game
- Relay races: balance book on heads; balance a sugar cube on a spoon over to the tea cup
- Hangman's game with tea words
- Have various stations for crafts & games before ending with the "tea."
- Read a book or a chapter, depending on your theme.
- Use the ideas in the American Girl non-fiction "companion" books--craft, cookbooks, mystery kit...
- A “short” program about table etiquette would be appropriate.
- Set up a table as a "Hair Salon," with various small hair decorations: barrettes, brightly colored elastics, ribbons; small combs and brushes.
- Add another table and set up a “Hat Shop” with inexpensive hat forms, lace, flowers and ribbons.
- Dancing--country reel, waltz, square dance, Mexican hat dance.
- American Indian stone games. (American Girl)
- Get adult help to “serve”
- Most supplies can be purchased in bargain bins at craft stores or Dollar Stores.
- Even so, figure about $50-60 for a dozen girls, if you're going to make a splash.
- About an hour-and-a-half should be sufficient.
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