Toddlers Creed

Toddler's Creed: Remember to put things in perspective...and keep your sense of humor!


If I want it,

it's mine.

If I give it to you and change my mind later,

it's mine

If I can take it away from you,

it's mine.

If I had it a little while ago,

it's mine.

If it's mine,

it will never belong to anybody else,

no matter what.

If we are building something together,

all the pieces are mine.

If it looks just like mine,

it is mine.

          --author unknown


Winton: This is a cautionary warning! If using props or realia during storytime, be advised that there may be tears when the child has to surrender the item. I usually have extra bookmarks on hand to "negotiate" with the child. Sometimes it works...