Teaching Your Child To Read

It is much more productive to teach preschool children how to enjoy books than to teach them how to read. (Marilyn Segal, Your Child At Play: 3-5 Years)  Children who read what they want, read more; the more they read, the more proficient they get. What do you suggest for YOUR patrons?

How Children Learn to Read (The New Yorker, February 11, 2015)

VAT (Visual, Auditory, Tactile)  

Reading is about visual differentiation. Building vocabulary based on VAT.


1. Choose a good time. 

2. Choose a place with little distractions.

3. Start small, about 5 words, repeat 3 X throughout the day.

4. 2nd Day, add 5 words, repeat, 3X, in ADDITION to #3.

5. 3rd Day, add another 5 words, repeat, 3X, in ADDITION TO #3 & #4.

6. Day 4, 5, and 6 repeat words, avoid using two words consecutively with the same consonant.

7. Slowly introduce more words, one at a time, by substituting a word the child recognizes.

               --How to Teach Your Baby to Read: The Gentle Revolution, by Glenn Doman

see also: Fry Sight Word List


Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

                                        --Mary--Preschool Plans


Alphabet Spoons