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Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Page history last edited by Jane McManus 6 years, 9 months ago

Libraries are more than books. Some kids need a little direction to get the creative juices flowing. I gleaned the following from a PUBYAC contributor. If you're a member, check out the archives for 2-2011. Also, thanks to the YSO Wiki for some of the games. Please add YOUR comments. Your colleagues would appreciate hearing what works, and what didn't!


see also: Jbrary Character Parties


Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney


See also:

Official Wimpy Kid Website  

Cabin Fever Activities 


Invitations: (ages 7-11)

  • Book journal


Refreshments: see also Recipes for Storytime

  • Gummy Worms and Jelly beans
  • Cheese flavored popcorn or crackers
  • Goldfish



  • Book covers of the Series



  • Book journals
  • Pencils
  • Bookmarks



  • Read an excerpt from one of the books
  • Red Sweater Wimpy Kid        
  • Cartoon Creations
  • Mom Bucks: Players get 'Mom Bucks' during games (by winning or by answering questions right) that they can cash in for prizes at the end. (Give everyone one Mom Buck at the start of each game, just for playing, and make sure that there is a small prize that they can get with the minimum number of Mom Bucks) This program element is only recommended if you think your participants won't mind the extra competition, and won't get upset if someone else ends up with a lot of Mom Bucks.
  • Trivia: play in teams or individuals. There are trivia questions in the Event Kit, above, and here: Trivia Questions
  • Easy Cheese Touch Game: Like Hot Potato, but with fake cheese (eg. a piece of fabric, a yellow bean bag, or a post it note with circles drawn on it). Play music as the kids pass the cheese around the circle. When the music stops, the kid holding the cheese is out. If the kids start passing it too fast, tell them they have to hang onto it for at least one or two seconds - count by making them say "Cheese Touch!" as they hold it. The person turning the music on and off should have their back turned to the kids, so the kids can't see when it is coming and the music stopper can't see who has the cheese.
  • Character Scavenger Hunt Bingo: Copy pictures of each major character from the books. Tape multiple copies of them around the library with the name labels from the 'Name Tag' game on page 14 of the event kit. (Make sure you have more than you need for the number of kids you have.) Give each kid Bingo chart with the names listed in the squares. They have to search the library for the pictures. When they find one, they can tape it to their paper. They can't take more than one of the same character. The first person (or 3 people if you have a large group) to get a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins. You may want to give the other participants a couple more minutes to finish their own, or call another winning combination, like four corners or all covered.
  • Wimp Yourself: If you have enough computers, let the kids 'Wimp' themselves at this website (www.WimpYourself.com). They can save or print their picture when they are done by clicking on 'Save and Share', then 'Export Image'.
  • Comics: Let kids design their own Li’l Cutie, Zoo-Wee Mama, and Fart Police comics. Have photocopies of samples from the book for them to look at, or make photocopies and white out the words so they can just add their own words.
  • Worm-on-a-Stick Tag: Please note that this activity is only suggested if you have lots of space and firm control of your participants! Glue a picture of a worm onto a craft stick or let the 'it' kid hold a worm puppet. Then play tag!
  • Toilet Paper Wrap: Divide kids into teams of two. Hand each team a roll of toilet paper. Shout "Go!". The first team to wrap one member with the entire roll of toilet paper wins. If you have a lot of kids or are short on space, you can do it in two heats - the winners from each heat can then face off. Or you can just announce that the top 3 (or 4 or whatever) finishers will win. 


TIME:  About an hour and a half should be sufficient.


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