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Family Programs On a Shoestring

Page history last edited by Jane McManus 13 years, 2 months ago

This was an ALSC Webinar, presented July 2011, by Angela Young, younglibr@gmail.com.

FREE items, or items with the best bang for your buck:

  • Freecycle
  • Craigs List
  • Parks and Recreation Dept.
  • Community Safety Employees--Sheriff, Police, Fire, Environmental, Ambulance and First Responders
  • Local Professionals--Dr's, DDS, Gardeners, Hardware Stores, Carpet & Tile Stores, Camera Shops, Bakeries, Craft Stores, and our own patrons.
  • Thrift Stores


ASK for help -- post in library, or in newsletter.


Others can:

  • Teach
  • Help with Contests (Judging or providing prizes)
  • Decorate library (inside and out)


Some ideas are already listed on our programming list:


Some ideas were new:


After the webinar, MCLS librarians brainstormed.

  • Live-Candyland game that Jeanne Slocombe, used at Arnett. She got the materials/idea off the internet. It worked for younger kids 4--6, older kids abused it.
  • Buzzing Circle Game, as told by Jason Poole, Webster. Get a buzzer, send one child out of the room. When he/she returns and gets closer to "it"--another child--the buzzer gets louder and more intense.
  • Decorated Pool Noodles, also presented by Jason Poole. Cut large pool noodles in half, use silver and black tape to individualize. This was used with Webster's Star Wars Parties.
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors contest, suggested by Anne Hicks, Henrietta.
  • Pizza Tasting--Teen Program that was suggested. Best sauce, crust, cheese, toppings, and overall flavor. Contact Olivia Durant, Webster, for further details.





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