
PAGES: A Young Writer's Group

Page history last edited by Jane McManus 12 years, 11 months ago

Libraries are more than books. Some kids need a little direction to get the creative juices flowing. I gleaned the following from PUBYAC contributors. If you’re a member, check out the archives. Please add YOUR comments. Your colleagues would appreciate hearing what works, and what didn't!

PAGES: For children entering grades 4–6.
Registration is requested and is ongoing. Drop-ins are welcome.

Love to write? Love to read? Join our young writers' workshop. Meet other kids who enjoy writing, get inspired with some fun writing ideas, and bring your stories to share, if you wish.


  • Talk a little bit about how descriptive language makes stories more interesting. How descriptive language is nothing more than the five senses.
  • Pass out potato chips and tell the kids they can't eat them--just yet. They can brainstorm ways to describe how the potato chips look, feel, smell, sound, and finally taste. Repeat the activity with chocolate chip cookies.
  • After the snack, bring out a bag of items (make sure there is nothing breakable or anything with sharp edges; some items I put in included a blank cd, a chess piece, a postcard, an action figure, a paperweight, a short string of Christmas lights, etc.)
  • Each person pulls out an item, and in their notebooks, writes down a story or poem dealing with the item they chose.
  • I told them they could trade once and only once if they so choose.
  • We started running a little short on time, so instead of a story or poem, they wrote down descriptive language about their item (if it had a smell, what would it be? if it could be eaten, what do you think it would taste like? One girl got an American flag and was having trouble coming up with something, so I asked her "What do you associate with the flag?" to which she answered "Fourth of July" so then I asked her "What sort of things do you eat or smell at the Fourth of July?" to which she smiled and got down to writing.)
  • Take a moment to share the descriptions with the group.
  • Writing Prompts and Journal Topics



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