Tigers and Big Cats

see also: Lions



I’m a tiger

Striped with fur.

Don’t come near

Or I might Grrr

Don’t come near

Or I might growl.

Or I might


          --Mary Ann Hoberman


Orange and black, Great big cat,      (hold hands out wide to side)
Four big paws,                                  (hold up hands)
Long sharp claws,                             (curve fingers like claws)
Through the jungle running,            (pretend to run)
Do you see her coming?                  (shade eyes with hand pretending to look)
What a sight!

Will she bite?     



The Bengal tiger likes to eat

Enormous quantities of meat.

Now people have been heard to say

That tigers hypnotize their prey.

So please do not take foolish chances

Avoid the Bengal tiger’s glances.

                --Jack Prelutsky

               ZOO DOINGS


I am a cat--come hear me purr...

I've many stripes upon my furrr...

I speed through forests like a blurrr

I hunt at night--I am a tigerrr.

               --Douglas Florian



Remember, when you starve with the tiger,

The tiger starves less.


Tiger, tiger,                      (hands like claws out)

Orange and black

He’s somewhere about   (look around)

You’d better watch out!



There's a tiger walking through the jungle,

There's a tiger walking all around.

There's a tiger walking through the jungle,

And he makes the scariest sound--Grrr.

          --Mr. Jim


3 Little monkeys Swinging in a tree,

Teasing Mr. Tiger, "Can't catch me! Can't catch me!"


(continue: variation of Monkeys & Alligator)


Extras: stripes



Tiger Trail, by Kay Winters c2000

Tiger, Tiger, by Dee Lillegard c2002

More offerings-TIGERS AND BIG CATS