MCLS 4-9-2014

J meeting 4-9-14


Present: Cathy Henderson, Greece; Tonia Burton, Central; Kathy Wolf, Central; Rosa Diaz, Lincoln; Jane McManus, Winton; Anne Strang, Ogden; Margaret Paige, Monroe; Laura Sidoti, Greece; Marcia Thor, Maplewood; Ruth Otto, East Irondequoit; Erin Clarke, Highland; Sarah Keppler, Highland; Hannah Squires, Gates; Pat Connor, Lyell; Bruce Tehan, Arnett; Jeanne Steinbrenner, Pittsford; Amy Hogue, Parma; Maria Heeks-Heinlein, Sully; Stacey Martin, Chili; Miranda Hazen, Central; Natalie Burch, Brockport; Anne Hicks, Henrietta; Elissa Schaeffer, Brighton; Joan Celentano, Rush


General business:


-collects all kids material in one place

-demo at Central on 4/16 - go to demo, if you like it promote it to  your director

-$3,000, could spread between branches


-7/31 from 12-3

-so far, just open to Monroe County people

-info will be available, people will have to sign up


-Tonia went over prizes she has at this point



-Gates/Greece may be starting to do this

-buy movies through overdrive


-full day of continuing ed

-$35 for full day, if you can’t afford contact Tonia and she’ll work with you


-has gone to graphics, will have one more chance to proof it.

-look for that email and respond quickly


-16 hrs/week, mornings and afternoons

-Let Anne know if you know anyone who’s interested!


Advocacy presentation

-Advocacy - raising awareness about an issue, persuading people to act

-Marketing - identifying and responding to needs of target market

-Promotion - letting people know about library products and services

-Lobbying - influencing legislators


ALA everyday advocacy site (

-Resource for everything related to advocacy

-Take action Tuesday - every Tuesday post idea for advocacy

-Find contact info for your state’s US senators and representatives


Has subsections about the components of advocacy:


1.    Be informed

-Glossary of advocacy-related terms on their website (

-Advocacy should be part of what you do everyday

-Think about why you do what you do

-Know what the policy is at your library in terms of contacting legislators/promoting

-Facebook - “like” pages for legislators

-Legal or policy limitations in terms of what you can do as an employee

-Value of creating allies in your staff - help them understand what we’re doing, and making it a positive thing

-Advocating for programming

-Set aside a week and time what you do - how long does it take to schedule a VAP?  Show that it takes a fair amount of time and effort, reason to advocate for more staff/resources

-Elissa - at Brighton the children’s staff do more programs themselves than any other staff.  It looks easy to other people, but we need to educate staff that it takes time and effort to set these things up.

-Anne - may be a good idea for Staff Exchange to have non-children’s staff visit us to see what we do.  Cathy - maybe trade places with someone for a day?


2.    Engaging with your community

-identifying key stakeholders - people who use library services directly

-secondary stakeholders - people who don’t necessarily use our services, but understand the importance of what we do


3.    Speak Out

-Choose one message

-keep it consistent, should be consistent with library brand and across all forms of media

-pay attention to who is saying what about you and your efforts

-identify the best outlets for your message

-elevator speech - brief persuasive speech to spark interest in what your organization does.  Have it ready so that you can respond quickly to questions/comments.


Elevator speech

-begin with an action phrase (“I need more materials money.”)

-add one sentence statement about what you do/how action would help you.

-What we do is provide access to materials, by having more we can provide more access to more children

-give a statement of specific outcomes (“help prevent the summer slide,” “helps improve reading,” “supports the common core,” “meets patrons demands”)

-end with a call to action

-Practice your speech so it is ready to go.


4.    Getting inspired

-What have other libraries done to advocate for themselves?


5.    Share your story

-collect stories about how your library has improved peoples’ lives



-talked about how she had to advocate for children’s services with the staff at Brighton

-went to Albany with Anne for training on community needs assessment

-last May Karen Balsen came to Central to ask what services we need from the state

-Found that we really need face-to-face training

-Train the consultants, consultants go back and train children’s librarians

-NY wants to focus on early literacy training

-community needs assessment for mcls

-whole library would do needs assessment for formulating strategic plan

-should participate in making strategic plan so children’s services are represented

-kids data center, nys department of education (on ePortal with notes) - websites for getting the numbers

-take a drive around the neighborhood, make observations - good way to get a feel for your community.  You can learn a lot just by driving around!  Take adult librarian, YA librarian, look at who makes up the neighborhood.

-Talk to people!

-informal focus groups - have activity for kids while you talk to parents.  What do you love about the library, what brings you in, do you have friends who don’t come to the library?  why not?

-Survey monkey, but this is very passive and doesn’t reach everyone

-focus group for community partners.  Make sure that you are on the same page about what you’re doing and why you’re partnering!  Have an informal interview/spend time together before you form partnership.

-Partners don’t always have to hand you money!  Having people advocate for you can be helpful too.

-teachers are often overworked, so it’s better to offer them help rather than asking for help.

-community map of early childhood resources

-Tonia has been advocating for a children’s services retreat, got an OK for half-day retreat!

-Next meeting at Brighton - we’ll talk about what we’ll do starting in September.  Think about if your library might be able to host a meeting.  We’ll talk about what we might want to do for retreat.


To end the meeting, everyone broke up into mentor groups.


Respectfully submitted,


Amy Holland

West Irondequoit